Straight run stairs
-It is one of the most common steps found in homes. You don't have to worry about taking a 90 degree turn you have straight shot up to the second floor. The best part of these stairs is that they are cheap.

L stairs
-These kinds of stairs are used when there isn't enough room for straight run steps. They have only one landing so the best part is if you fall down them at least you have a place to stop!

Double L
-They have two landings. They are used when there isn't enough space for a L stair or straight run.

Winder stairs
- This steps are very dangerous because of the pie shaped steps. This step is used if there is not enough room for L stairs.

U stairs
- The flights of these stairs are parallel. Wide U wide space in between flights. Narrow U little or no space to move around.

Spiral Stairs
-Used when little space is available. They are gainning in popularity. They are not very safe on the count that if you fall you can go over the edge.
Circular stairs
-Irregualr curve or arc. Trapizoid shaped steps. They are exspensive to build.